This was a great event and I would definitely suggest that you mark this down on your calendar, when the next year's dates are available, to get to it. The NIK Team was tremendous, the speakers were tremendous, my co-workshop instructors, Rick Sammon, Tony Corbell and the lovely Laurie Shupp are a joy to work with. I finally got to meet Vince Versace! Unfortunately, we had to cut out a day early to get to a teaching gig on Whidby Is, WA! So, we missed Joe McNally .
Quite simply, it was a photography party in one of the best photo venues anywhere! and a great educational experience! Nik Guru, and she's a real one, Janice Wendt, was spinning her NIK magic! The experience was open and cordial...information was flowing were the iPads!! The blog image was shot during our first photo shoot in the lighthouse at the Cabrillo National Monument optimized using Nik's Silver Efex Pro.